Service Alert History
Last Updated: Wed Jul 3 16:55:48 CEST 2024
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.6 -
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Service 'NRPE disk' On Host 'vm1c'

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July 03, 2024 09:00

Service Ok[2024-07-03 09:46:24] SERVICE ALERT: vm1c;NRPE disk;OK;HARD;3;DISK OK - free space: / 4527MiB (59% inode=85%):
Program Start[2024-07-03 09:36:24] Nagios 4.4.6 starting... (PID=506)
Program End[2024-07-03 09:26:58] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...
Service Critical[2024-07-03 09:21:50] SERVICE ALERT: vm1c;NRPE disk;CRITICAL;HARD;3;(No output on stdout) stderr: connect to address port 5666: No route to host
Service Critical[2024-07-03 09:19:47] SERVICE ALERT: vm1c;NRPE disk;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;(No output on stdout) stderr: connect to address port 5666: No route to host
Program Start[2024-07-03 09:15:36] Nagios 4.4.6 starting... (PID=509)
Program End[2024-07-03 09:06:49] Caught SIGTERM, shutting down...