Host Information
Last Updated: Sat Sep 21 00:52:56 CEST 2024
Updated every 90 seconds
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.6 -
Logged in as ?


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Host State Information
Host Status:
 (for 15d 16h 32m 59s)
Status Information:PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 10.96 ms
Performance Data:rta=10.960000ms;5000.000000;5000.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;100;100;0;
Current Attempt:1/10  (HARD state)
Last Check Time:2024-09-21 00:49:48
Check Type:ACTIVE
Check Latency / Duration:0.000 / 0.020 seconds
Next Scheduled Active Check:  2024-09-21 00:54:48
Last State Change:2024-09-05 08:19:57
Last Notification:N/A (notification 0)
Is This Host Flapping?
 (0.00% state change)
In Scheduled Downtime?
Last Update:2024-09-21 00:52:52  ( 0d 0h 0m 4s ago)
Active Checks:
Passive Checks:
Event Handler:
Flap Detection:
Host Commands
Locate Host On MapLocate host on map
Disable Active Checks Of This HostDisable active checks of this host
Re-schedule Next Host CheckRe-schedule the next check of this host
Submit Passive Check Result For This HostSubmit passive check result for this host
Stop Accepting Passive Checks For This HostStop accepting passive checks for this host
Stop Obsessing Over This HostStop obsessing over this host
Disable Notifications For This HostDisable notifications for this host
Send Custom NotificationSend custom host notification
Schedule Downtime For This HostSchedule downtime for this host
Schedule Downtime For All Services On This HostSchedule downtime for all services on this host
Disable Notifications For All Services On This HostDisable notifications for all services on this host
Enable Notifications For All Services On This HostEnable notifications for all services on this host
Schedule A Check Of All Services On This HostSchedule a check of all services on this host
Disable Checks Of All Services On This HostDisable checks of all services on this host
Enable Checks Of All Services On This HostEnable checks of all services on this host
Disable Event Handler For This HostDisable event handler for this host
Disable Flap Detection For This HostDisable flap detection for this host
Clear Flapping State For This HostClear flapping state for this host
Host Comments
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